Powerful Utilities Introduced by Learning Bootstrap

Learning Bootstrap

I’ve spent half a day to read the 《Learning Bootstrap》, found a chapter introduce powerful Bootstrap utilites, so I paste them here as a quick reference.

Themes and templates

Start Bootstrap

Start Bootstrap is an open source library of Bootstrap 3 themes and templates which are tailor-made for specific purposes such as an e-commerce website or an admin dashboard.


Bootswatch offers free themes that you can have by simply downloading the CSS file and replacing the one in Bootstrap.

Implements a modular approach where the changes are contained in just tow LESS files resulting in easy maintenance, simple modification, and ensuring forward compatibility.

It also has an API that helps you integrate those themes with your platform.

Black Tie

Has a collection of modern themes that can be downloaded and even customize as per your requirements.

It is quite a useful source as some of the themes are tailored for conjunction with several platforms such as Tumblr, Drupal, and Wordpress.

Bootstrap Zero

Bootstrap Zero is one of the largest free template collections for the Bootstrap platform. It has accumulated the best and widely-used templates from various sources, and you can ind just about any template here. The makers of Bootstrap Zero are working on including toolkits and other resources on their website to make it a one-stop destination for Bootstrap third-party add-ons.


Fbootstrapp is a toolkit that helps you kick start the development of Facebook-styled iframe apps.


Bootplus is a sleek and intuitive Google-styled frontend framework to streamline web designing using Bootstrap.


Bootmetro is a framework that helps you develop modern intuitive web apps with the look and feel of Windows 8, including

Other commeriacial themes and templates

Ready-make resources and plug-ins

  • Font Awesome: A collection of hundreds of icons.
  • Social Buttons for Bootstrap: A collection of all icons related to social media.
  • Bootstrap Magic: a theme editor to create themes quickly.
  • Jasny Bootstrap: a toolkit that provides additionla feature and components tailored to help enhance bootstrap web designing project.
  • Fuel UX: extends bootstrap with JavaScript control.
  • Bootsnipp: an abundant library of free code snippets and design elements for bootstrap framework.
  • Bootdey: a gallery of free snippets and utilities that can be used to strealine web design with awesome accuracy.
  • BootBundle: a package of open source as well as commeriacial themes, templates, components and other assets with attributes.
  • Start Bootstrap: consist all the plugins, resources, and development tools for Bootstrap.

Development tools and editors

  • Bootply: Bootply is a Bootstrap code editor and builder that you can use to rapidly design and create interfaces with the drag-and-drop visual editor for Bootstrap.
  • LayoutIt: a Bootstrap drag-and-drop editor that you can use to create frontend code.
  • UI Bootstrap: incorporates Bootstrap components written in AngularJS by the AngularUI team.
  • Kickstrap: Kickstrap is a product where AngularJS is baked together with Bootstrap in conjunction with JavaScript Package Manager (JSPM).
  • ShoeStrap: an open source Wordpress theme based on Bootstrap and HTML5 Boilerplate. I
  • StrapPress: a toolkit that you can use to incorporate everything you get with Bootstrap
  • Summernote: a lightweight yet effective WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap.